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Introducing: Acquiring A Speech Device: A Step-By-Step Guide to Evaluation, Funding, and Billing
Navigate alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) evaluations and funding easier with the essential resource.
Downloadable PDF includes:​
Step-by-Step Navigation: A comprehensive, straightforward guide to navigating AAC evaluations, securing funding through insurance, and exploring additional funding options.
Targeted Solutions: Essential information on billing and integrating AAC into your practice.
Expert Insights: Practical advice from an AAC consultant on navigating insurance requirements, device trials, and funding hurdles.
Simplified Alternative Access: Explore evidence-based frameworks and strategies that guide the assessment of access methods.
Case Examples: Real-world scenarios to help you apply strategies to various populations.
Acquire a device for the individual/s in your life who need it to communicate.
Broaden your clientele by integrating AAC evaluations and consults into your practice.
Position yourself as an expert in an in-demand area of speech-language pathology.