When we think about communication, I bet most of us picture ourselves or someone "talking". However, some people are unable to use their mouths to communicate. This could be due to a brain injury that affects their cranial nerves or muscles of their mouth. How do they “talk”? This is where AAC comes in.
AAC makes communicating accessible for ALL despite physical limitations.
Examples of AAC include:
1. Communication devices that can be accessed by touching buttons (similar to a computer or tablet). The device speaks for the person.
2. Switches that are activated with a body part. These can be mounted to a wheelchair and can be activated at the forehead, thumb, chin, or any part of the body that has reliable means of movement.
3. Speech Generating devices that are accessed through eye gaze.
4. Picture board where someone touches the image.
Peak Speech Therapy creates low-tech and high-tech AAC options for clientele. This is a specialized area that requires knowledge of the Medicare funding process. Contact Peak Speech Therapy with questions on obtaining a device for you or a loved one.
